Акредитовани државни
Факултет спорта и физичког васпитања је акредитован као државни факултет
у области друштвено-хуманистичких наука – спорт, физичко васпитање,
рекреација за обављање наставне и научно-истраживачке делатности.
Настава организована
по катедрама
За реализацију практичне наставе користе се: Спортски центар 'Чаир',
Гимнастички клуб 'Ниш' као и спортска сала Факултета (борилачки спортови,
фитнес, корективна гимнастика, плес, ритмичка гимнастика и многобројни изборни предмети).
Висок ниво техничке и
информатичке опреме
Факултет је обезбедио завидан ниво техничке и информатичке опреме за реализацију
практичне наставе у складу са потребама студијских програма
који се реализују.
Константни напредак у
академском рангирању светских факултета спорта
Наш Факултет је из године у годину напредовао на Шангајској листи и данас
је раме уз раме са најбољим светским факултетима.

prijemni ispit 2024 web baner

The Faculty of Sports and Physical Education of the University of Niš informs all interested candidates for enrollment in our Faculty's study programs in a timely manner that the first information related to the procedure for preparing and taking the entrance exam for enrollment at our Faculty for the academic year 2024/2025 can be found in the ADMISSION section on our site.

The first opportunity for candidates to get to know our Faculty is the OPEN DOOR WEEK, which will be held on the last week of May from May 27 to 31, 2024. Then all those interested will be able to get answers to all the questions they have about the Faculty, the enrollment process, studying and opportunities that the diploma of the Faculty of Sports and Physical Education gives to young people.

All candidates for enrollment in BASIC ACADEMIC STUDIES are recommended to attend PREPARATORY CLASSES, which are traditionally organized at the Faculty. This year it will be organized from June 10 to 14, 2024. It is the closest to the real conditions of taking the entrance exam, the elements of all the tests that are part of the entrance exam are processed and you get an impression of the very atmosphere that accompanies the entrance exam. All necessary information related to PREPARATORY CLASSES can be found on the corresponding page

The entrance exam for enrollment in the first year of BASIC ACADEMIC STUDIES and BASIC VOCATIONAL STUDIES is organized at the end of June and the beginning of July this year. Information related to taking the entrance exam for enrollment in BASIC ACADEMIC STUDIES can be found on the corresponding page