Акредитовани државни
Факултет спорта и физичког васпитања је акредитован као државни факултет
у области друштвено-хуманистичких наука – спорт, физичко васпитање,
рекреација за обављање наставне и научно-истраживачке делатности.
Настава организована
по катедрама
За реализацију практичне наставе користе се: Спортски центар 'Чаир',
Гимнастички клуб 'Ниш' као и спортска сала Факултета (борилачки спортови,
фитнес, корективна гимнастика, плес, ритмичка гимнастика и многобројни изборни предмети).
Висок ниво техничке и
информатичке опреме
Факултет је обезбедио завидан ниво техничке и информатичке опреме за реализацију
практичне наставе у складу са потребама студијских програма
који се реализују.
Константни напредак у
академском рангирању светских факултета спорта
Наш Факултет је из године у годину напредовао на Шангајској листи и данас
је раме уз раме са најбољим светским факултетима.

According to the latest academic ranking of world universities - the Shanghai list for 2023 - our Faculty is ranked between 150 and 200, among the best sports faculties in the world (sport, exercise and health science). According to the previous rankings, our Faculty occupied a position between the 200th and 300th places (twice) and the 150th and 200th places in the previously published list. This ranking list was compiled based on the number of published scientific papers indexed in Web of Science, the total number of citations, citations per published paper, papers published in the top 25% of journals, and the percentage of published papers created in collaboration with foreign authors.

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With this significant progress, the Niš Faculty of Sports and Physical Education has become the absolute best sports faculty in Serbia and one of the leading faculties in the region of Southeast Europe. Namely, the Faculty of Niš is the only one from Serbia that was included in this year's ranking list. On this occasion, it should be noted that in 2016, the Faculty of Sports and Physical Education from Nis was the first institution of the University of Nis and the only sports faculty from Serbia to be on the most prestigious academic list. Our Faculty has progressed year by year on the Shanghai list so that it now occupies an extremely high position, side by side with the best universities in the world. I hope that the success of our Faculty will motivate the other faculties of the University of Niš to work harder and to raise the quality of their scientific and research activities, aiming for a common goal - to place the University of Niš in the group of the best universities in the world.

Faculty of Sports and Physical Education
Milovan Bratić